Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Psoriasis: Causative Factors and its Management in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the ‘science of life’,it is an Indian system of medicine practiced since 5000 years. It describes over 100s of herbs and 10,00s of formulations for various ailments. Ayurvedic Formulations have great importance in Ayurvedic medicine. Generally, Ayurvedic formulations are multicomponent mixture of botanicals. The activity of the herbal medicine depends on the overall function of a variety of active components, as all the constituents provide synergistic action and thus enhance the therapeutic value. Each active constituent plays an important role and they are all related to each other.
                    According to Ayurvedic review, skin disorders are described in so many chapters as like ‘Kustha’, ‘Visarpa’, Vatrakta,’ etc. Here, a descriptions of psoriasis is mainly in the chapter of kustha. There are two types of kustha according to Charaka
1.      Mahakustha
2.     Kshudrakustha
Causative Factor
In the kustha chapter, charaka has mentioned so many caustitive factors for this disease. A few are mentioned below
1.     Food poisoning due to incompatible diet
2.     Psychosomatic disorder
3.     Depression
4.     Excessive intake of hot, pungent, sour and salty food substances
5.     Excessive exercises
6.     Alcoholism
7.     Hereditary


Psoriases is a psychosomatic disorder similer to a peptic or duodenal ulcer. For this condition we have to reduce depression anxiety of the patients by using Shamaka ghrita as a snehana, particularly Panchagavya ghrita or pancha tikta ghrta guggulu.
Pranayama is useful for reducing depression and anxiety.
 Abhyangam (body massage) with medicated oils is useful for combating irritable symptoms  such as itching and scaling. Abhyangam helps in slowing down the scaling process and making skin normal.
 Svedana (steam with medicated decoctions) is also beneficial for psoriasis. Svedana opens all romakupas (skin pores) and helps the penetration of medicine for reducing scaling.

The resistant nature of psoriasis along with its distressing symptoms, require a regular and dedicated treatment involving  both aspects of antah-parimarjana and Bahir-parimarjana.
1.     Shodhan (Panchakarma therapy/purification) particularly Virechana is useful.
2.     Shamana chikitsa is also important after completing Shodhana therapies. Nimba (margosa), Bakuchi (psoralis corylifolia, Harida (turmeric), Daruharidra(berberis aristata), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Sariva(Hemidesmus indicus),Khadira(Acacia catechu), Karanja(pongamia pinnata), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) are a few medicinal plants that are described for psoriasis. They can be used according to the prakruti of the patient and the disease.
3.     Oils and ointments for external applications like manjishthadi thailam, Jatyadi thailam, Bakuchi thailam, shata dhauta ghruthum may be applied. 


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