Thursday, 30 June 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment for Menstrual Disorders

It is an abnormal condition in a women's menstrual c
ycle. Almost 8 in 10 women suffers from this condition.It affects both their personal and professional life. It includes various problems:-
MENORRHAGIA:- Heavy menstrual bleeding
METRORRHAGIA:- Bleeding before and after menses
HYPERMENORRHEA:- Menses too long
OLIGOMENORRHEA:- Light menstrual periods (interval exceeding 35 days)
DYSMENORRHEA:- Painful menstruation
AMENORRHEA:- Absence of periods
PMS (PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME):- It includes mood swings, irritability etc before 7 days of menses.
SYMPTOMS:- Abdominal cramps, pain lower abdomen/pelvis, mood swings, nausea, backache, weight gain/loss.
CAUSES:- Anemia, thyroid disorders, liver disorders, blood clotting problems, uterine fibroids, PCOD, metabolic disorders, infection of uterus/cervix, IUD/birth control pills
TREATMENT:- HERBS- Ashoka, dashmoola, lodhra, heeng, methi, ajwain, kantkari, nirgundi
PANCHKARMA THERAPIES:- Shirodhara- Medicated shirodhara treats the                                                                                                Hormonal imbalance
Pitchu dharan- It strenghthens the uterine cavity
Basti- It removes the infections
Shirobasti- It helps balancing the  impaired  endocrine glands thus helps in treating thyroid dysfunction
HOME REMEDIES:- 1- Add 1 tbs of ajwain in one glass of water with jaggery and dry fruits. Boil it for 10 minutes on low flame. Drink it during menstrual cycle.
2- Take methi decoction twice a month in case of oligomennorhea.
3-yoga , meditation

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Weakness refers to loss of muscle strength, it may develop suddenly or gradually.

Cause: -  1. Decrease in general physical fitness
2. Loss of muscles tissues due to prolonged period of illness, injury or inactivity
3. Damage to nerves, Chronic Illness
4. Prolong alcohol intake, Drug abuse
5. Use of cortico steroids like dexamethasone and prednisone, Nasal sprays, Eyes drops
6. Stress
7. Anaemia, Nutritional Deficiency, Diabetes etc.

Signs & Symptoms: - 1. Dizziness
2. Fatigue
3. Muscular Cramps
4. Backache
5. Lethargy
6. Lack of Energy
7. Body aches
8. Pain in lower legs.

Yoga :- Pranayam
Sarvanga Asana
Padama Asana

Diet :- High Protein, High Calorie diet More Fibers
Whole grains
Cow Ghee
Fruits (Banana, Grapes, Anaar(pomegranate))

Herbal Medicines for General Weakness in Males.

Ayurvedic Treatment for weakness in men-Easy Home remedies.
Take equal amount of powder of dalchinni (cinnamon)+ kalimirchi(black pepper)one tea spoon full, with one spoon of ginger lemon juice & 2 spoon of honey take with in a warm glass of water twice daily. Excellent result within ten days.

Monday, 13 June 2016


Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver does not function properly due to long-term damage. In this condition healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, fat cells, which obstructs the functioning of liver cells(Hepatocytes). It is an irreparable condition. The scar tissue and thickened linings of liver cells obstructs the flow of blood leading to obstruction of hormones, proteins, enzymes & other nutrients & metabolic substances. 

Symptoms: - Indigestion, Weakness, Irritability, Nausea, Vomiting, Anorexia, fatigue, skin discoloration, edema in legs, Itching, Bruises, weight loss | Sudden weight gain, pain abdomen, Confusion.
Causes:- Viral infection like Hepatitis B,C, obesity, Chronic alcohol intake, medication induced, toxins.

Risk factors: - Portal hypertension, ascites variceal bleeding, splenomegaly, encephalopathy,  hepato-renal syndrome, hepato pulmonary syndrome.
Affected age group :- 40 years – Men are more affected than women But alcoholic women are at high risk.

Ayurvedic Treatment :- Panchkarma (Wonderful Results)
Herbs: -   Bhringrai (Eclipta prostrata)
               Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurrora)
          Triphala Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula).
              Vasaka (Justicia adhatoda)
              Kakamachi (Makoi plant, Solanum nigrum)
              Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
              Kanchnar (Bauhinia variegata)

Medication :- Take equal amount of powder of above herbs, mix well. Take 2 spoon morning/evening daily for three month. 

Eat more of fresh seasonal fruits like - Orange, Banana, Apple, Lichi , Grapes & add fresh green Vegetables and Salads.

Herbal Treatment :- Daily use of  Ginger lemon juice made by mixing Cucumber, Mint with Cinnamon & Black Pepper brings good results in most of patients.

Sunday, 12 June 2016



Women face number of health problems in routine. Due to fast and stressful life style. Some of common health issues in women are: -

Mood Swings
Menstrual Problem
Hormonal imbalance
Skin Related Issues
Lac of Energy

Cause: - Hormonal imbalance, Metabolism Disturbance, Stress, Nutritional Deficiency

Best Herbal Remedies:-

1 Heeng (Asafoetida) – 1g
2 Methi (Fenugreek) – 5g
3 Jeera (Cumin) – 10g
4 Long Pepper – 2.5g
5 Shatavari – 20g
6 Lodhra – 30g
7 Ashoka – 30g
8 Dashmool – 100g
9 Guduchi – 40g
10 Ashwagandha – 20g

Mix all these powders in given amount, well. Store in a cool dry place in a glass container

Panchkarma Therapies: -      Shirodhara

Do’s :-      Take plenty of Fluids
                 Green Vegetables
                 Fresh Fruits
                 Adequate sleep
                 Physical Activities Exercise

Saturday, 11 June 2016


Fibrosis is the growth of excess connective tissue which causes a mass to form. This often causes compression and blockage of surrounding organs.

Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a disorder in which fibrosis occurs behind the membrane that lines the cavity of abdomen. The peritoneal cavity contains many vital organs like kidneys, large veins and arteries, ureters etc.

Sign & Symptoms :- Pain lower back abdomen, weight loss, fever, Nausea, Anemia, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Renal Failure, Hypertension, Swelling, change in Color and Pain in Lower legs, Reduced urine output.

Causes: - Idiopathic, Drug Induced, Malignancy

Affected age group: - Majority in 40-60years & most commonly in men than women.
Organs Affected: - Kidneys, aorta, Renal Tract, Intestine, Blockage and Compression in the ureters.

Auryvadic Treatment: - Herbs – Punarnava, Varun, Shigru, Kutki, Saariva, Patha, Musta, Aparmarg, Makoy, Gokshur

Auryvadic Medicines: -  Nityanand Ras
                                     Gokshuraadi Guggul
                                     Punarnava Kwath
                                     Ark Makoy
Panchkarma Therapy: - Potli
                                    Medicated Hot Tub Bath

Home Remedies: - Lemon Ginger Juice with 1 Spoon of triphala powder, add to it 10ml of giloya+alovera juice take it daily morning & evening, Helps in 2-3 weeks.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

IMPOTENCE (Weakness) In Men and Women

It is a common disorder now days, also less treated because people are hesitated to talk about this; it is embarrassing for both women and men. It ruins the married life of couple and is a major cause of stress and strain.

In Men: - Erectile dysfunction is known as impotence. It signifies the inability to get and maintain an erection necessary for a satisfactory sexual intercourse. It affects almost every age group but majority of men over 40 years.

In women: - Persistent, recurrent problem of lack of desire, orgasm or pain that strain relationship with the partner are medically known as female sexual dysfunction. Approx 40% of women are affected.

Cause: - Physical: - Diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, hypertension, prostate disease, heart disease, obesity, substance abuse, nutritional deficiency etc.
Psychological: - Depression, Anxiety, Stress

Treatment: - Panchkarma, Nasya, Shirodhara, Abhyangam, Vasthi, Udvartan,
Impotence and Ayurveda :- In Ayurveda there is a special branch which deals with impotence and i.e vajikarana chikitsa, vajikarana therapy increase sexual energy.

Home Remedies: - Milk & Long Pepper, Ghee, Walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds, mangoes, banana.

Vajikaraka herbs: - Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Bala, Amla, Mushali, Kantkari, Bhallatak, Lodhra, Musta, Gokshura etc.

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