Saturday, 23 December 2017

Syphilis Ayurvedic treatment

Syphilis ayurvedic treatment
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. In Ayurveda this is called as firangarog as tridoshas vitiated in this disease but kapha may dominant. Depending upon the seriousness, all seven dhatus may got intoxicated in this diseases leading to serious complications.

Mode of transmission -

. Trapenoma pallidum usually spread by sex

. Direct contact with a sore

. Usually occur during sexual activity including oral sex

Signs & Symptoms -

. A small painless sore appear on the sexual organs , rectum or inside the mouth. This sore is called a Chancre.

. Headache

. Bodyache

. Enlargement of lymph nodes

. Malaise

. Chilliness

. Enlarged tonsils

. Sore throat

. Anaemia


. Primary

. Secondary

. Latent

. Tertiary

Complications -

. Stroke

. Meningitis

. Memory loss

. Neurosyphilis

. Night blindness

. Deafness

Herbs -

. Punarnava

. Guduchi

. Shudh guggul

. Shudh Shilajit

. Curcumin

. Neem

. Chitrakmool

. kutki

Ayurvedic formulations -

. Sampuranava capsule

. Siddhamakardhwaja

. Divya Sinduram

. Khadirarishta

. Madhusnuhirasayana

. Saribadyasava

. Sugandhadi lehya

. Vyadhiharanarasa

. Gandhakrasyana

Dr. Harpreet kaur


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