Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Ayurvedic Cure to open Arteries, Cure Infections, Reduce Bad Cholesterol And Improving Immunity

Ayurvedic Cure to open Arteries, Cure Infections, Reduce Bad Cholesterol And Improving Immunity

In ayurveda there are plenty of natural remedies for all kind of health issues. This ancient Indian Herbal  recipe is one of them. It has been in practice for centuries  as a cure for many common diseases such as weakness,  colds,cough, chest  infections, high bad cholesterol, anemia  fatigue &  tiredness,  atherosclerosis, digestive disorders, anxiety.

If our immune system is not  able to protect us, we can use this amazing natural herbal remedy to boost our immune system and to detox the liver.

Water 2 liters
Ginger root 2 inches grated ginger 3 tbsp
Large garlic, 4 pcs
Fresh lemons, 4
Cinnamon Powder one tbsp
Black Pepper Powder one tbsp
Mint Leaves

 Wash properly and cut into piece all  the lemons ,  ginger & garlic,  thoroughly BLEND in a juicer to make it thick paste. Add water to make it juice.Add some minute leaves and black pepper.Blend once more to make homogenous juice & stain in a jar or bottle to store in freezer.

Drink this natural GREEN DETOX juice for two weeks one glass twice daily , morning , evening.
This will bring wonderful results with in two weeks in the form of increased energy levels better mental and physical well being, , Feeling fresh & healthy, better sleep.

Can be repeated after one month for three or four times for a complete detox & rejuvenation.

Friday, 13 May 2016


                                DETOX THERAPY FOR LIVER

The liver is the most important organ that undertakes the process of metabolizing the nutrients we eat in form of food &convert them in energy & raw material to be used by all organs of body.

Whatever we eat goes from digestive system to liver along with various toxins, chemicals etc. Liver removes all these toxins from body while providing necessary Ingredients. Healthy liver is must for good health. When lots of toxins & fat are accumulated in liver, its function is deranged. LEADING TO ILLNESS,  DISEASES, OBESITY etc.

Regular cleansing & Detox of liver is very important for optimum health, energy levels & psychological well being.


Take this juice  for 7 days,   will cleanse your liver of  all the  toxins that have stored. It will also help in weight loss. Drink a lot of water to facilitate the procedure of detoxification of the liver and weight loss.


1 Cucumber,  bunch of Coriander Leaves parsley ,Lettuce, celery, Ginger, 2 lemons, 1 cup of apple cider vinegar & one litre of water.


 Blend and  mix all the ingredients and apple cider to make GREEN JUICE. Add black pepper and salt. Take two glasses of this amazing green juice three times a day for seven days. Repeat this detox therapy after two month.

For more information please visit our website: www.mansaayurveda.com
Bottom of Form

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Detoxification is human body’s most basic automatic functions of  neutralizing, removing & eliminating the toxins. Our body naturally cleanses & detoxify itself everyday as part of a normal routine healing process. These days due to stressful lifestyle & unhealthy eating habits this process of rejuvenation is compromised.

The various  systems and internal organs of body like liver, kidney, skin intestine are not capable of naturally cleaning out unwanted substances. These  toxic material remains inside our tissues. This results in various problems like overweight, obesity, diabetes, cardiac disease, psychiatric disorders & others.


1.     Detox therapy with green diet. This process cleans out mucous and toxins from the intestinal tract and major organs.

2.     Herbal cleansing therapy – Decoctions of various herbal medicine plants in optimum quantity is given as juices & syrups etc.

3.     Colon Hydrotherapy

4.     Vaman Virechan – Emesis assisted by various type of oral medication

5.     Vasti – Enema. Very important part of panchkarma therapy. Very useful in removing toxins from large intestine.

6.     Abhyangam- Kerala ayurvedic massage with medicated oils is a wonderful technique of removing toxins from skin.

7.     Steam- After massage, for making the skin healthy and cleansing it.

8.     Nasyam Process of putting medicated oil & herbal medicine in nostrils. Helps in breathing problems, headache, sinusitis.

The immune system and metabolism can be improved through healthy diet and lifestyle habits.

Detox (panchkarma) helps body in terms of balanced hormones, a rise in energy levels& a feeling of physical and mental well being.


Tuesday, 10 May 2016


Ayurveda says everything,  The body, the environment, the work, the home, the world…..Everything has got to be in the optitum balance for us to stay healthy and happy, and what more, the balance is a must even for the earth to live on…. Ayurveda is a way of life that teaches us how to work towards achieving this balance by taking small steps like training the human body to maintain the balance by proper diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and more.



With Ayurveda, Every individual will experience what is like to live with perfect balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. And this achieved by making amendments in your lifestyle, that is, in the Ahara, Vihara, Oushadha and Kriya.

AHARA is the food we eat and by calculating the precise intake of various nourishment, the human body will change for the better.

VIHARA is the exercise that is required by the body. For our body to function at its best, we have to stay fit. When the right amount of exercise, human body will evolve for the better.

OUSHADHA - A body that is not fit needs external sources to regain its intended form. Oushadha can either be preventive or curative. Both the types of oushadha are essential for the body to heal.

KRIYA is the treatment one shall go through. Even Kriya can be preventive and curative. Kriya performed with safe hand helps in building strength and stamina of the body.

PANCHKARMA It is an important part of ayurvedic treatment which involves five procedures. These are VAMAN, VIRECHAN, ABHYANGAM, VASTI, NASYAM. Naturopathy and herbal treatment as suggested by AYURVEDA can remove the imbalance of three doshas in the body by following required ahara, vihara, oushadha and panchkarma.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Amazing Indian Super Food Drumsticks (Sahinjan) Moringa Oliefera

One of the most wonderful & amazing vegetable found on earth. Drum Sticks (Sahinjan), is found almost all over the world, India being largest producer. Communities from central & Southern India, consuming these amazing vegetables, are known to have lived 100 years of healthy life free from illness or diseases because of this amazing vegetable. This super food is reach in vitamins, mineral & other essential nutrients.


As per Ayurveda drumstick (Sahijan) is useful in hundreds of diseases as Magical Remedy

  • Weight loss
  • Diabetes Mellitis
  • Hypertension
  • Arthiritis/ Joint Pains
  • Migraine
  • Hair fall/ Hair Loss
  • Sinusitis
  • Sciatica
  • Cervical Spondylosis
  • Skin Diseases/ Psoriasis
  • Asthma/Bronchitis
  • Liver Diseases Treatment
  • Kidney Diseases/ Polycystic Renal Diseases.
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Prostate Diseases, Benign Hyper Plasia
  • Neuropathy,
  • Gastro-oesophagial reflux diseases(GERD)
  • Gall- Bladder Disorders
  • Endocrinological Disorders
  • Muscular Weakness, Chronic Fatigue
  • Tuberculosis
  • Thyroid Disorders
  • Depression/ Stress/Psychiatric Disorders
  • Memory Loss, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders, Insomnia
  • Anaemia
  • Poor Appetite
  • Allergic Disorders
  • Gynae Problems- Menstruel Problems, Disfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Fibroid Uterus, Backache/ Spinal/Slipped Disc

 How To Use
In different parts of world there are number of recipes and cuisines, according to which Sahijan drumstick are used.

  • Boiled Leaves and fruit in the form  of soup.
  • Crushed & Grated as chutneys and salads dressing.
  • Curries- Boiled & Cooked (Sambar).
  • Paste of leaves & bark.
  • Powder of dried leaves and bark. 
  For more info kindly visit- www.mansaayurveda.com

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Lifestyle disorders are a big problem for our society today. Nowadays faulty lifestyle has proved biggest killers. Among the lifestyle disorder, the most endangering to human beings are: Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis, Spinal problems, Carcinoma, Dementia, Depression, Anxiety etc.
One can remain healthy without medicine by planning his/her daily routine (dincharya) and seasonal routine (ritucharya) as advised in ayurveda.

Lifestyle diseases are different from other diseases because they are potentially preventable and can be lowered with changes in diet, lifestyle and environment. Too many people are dying relatively young from the Heart disease and Cancer & other lifestyle diseases in modern times.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified India as one of the nations that is going to have most of the lifestyle disorders in the near future. According to doctors say, a sedentary lifestyle combined with an increase in the consumption of fatty food and alcohol is the reason of obesity, diabetes and hypertension etc.

         Lifestyle as a causative factor

  1.       Heart Risk & Hypertension

  • India is no.1 in cardiac patients – 10%.
  • Hypertension account for more than 50% of heart diseases.

    2.  Obesity & Lipids  
  • 31% of urban Indians are overweight.
  • 40% of urban Indians have high lipid levels.

 3. Diabetes

  •    30 million people are diabetic patients.

 4.  Stress

  •    2 out of 3 employees in India are victims of stress.

 When our body starts showing signs of fatigue and inability, we look at our daily routine and think how the same impacts our personal lives. Since factors like heredity, sex, age cannot be avoided, one must manage one’s lifestyle to avoid being at risk of different dominated diseases.

      Lifestyle Medicine

        Lifestyle medicine is nothing but the use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment and management of lifestyle diseases.

                 Such interventions include:

·         Diet rectification( good nutrition)
·         Exercise
·         Stress Management
·         Smoking cessation
·         A variety of other non – drug modalities

   The emphasis of lifestyle medicine is on:
  • Assessing Lifestyle
  • Evaluating  the risk factors
  • Evaluating laboratory reports
  • Discussing the opportunities for interventions
  • Prescribing an optimal lifestyle
The healthy lifestyle habits that each member of the society
should practice are:

·         A strict No to – Smoking
                        _   Alcohol
                         _    Illegal Drugs
-          Hypertension
-          Stress

·         Eat Low Fat, Low salt, High Fiber Diet, FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES, FRESH FRUIT, NUTS, CURD, YOGURT.

·         Physical Activity

The only remedy lies in the fact that, man needs to control his senses, freshen up his common sense to make life more convenient in the long run .

    YOGA & MEDITATION                                      

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


These include hypertension, heart, disease, obesity, diabetes, disease associated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse, tobacco,- and nutrition-induced cancers, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and premature mortality.
 Lifestyle disease take toll on health of  people before their time,  many people are dying relatively young from Heart Disease and Cancer and other lifestyle diseases. The disease profile is changing rapidly. The World health organization (WHO) has identified India as one of the nations that is going to have most of the lifestyle disorders in the near future. Nowadays, not only are lifestyle disorders becoming more common,they are also affecting younger population. Hence, the population at risk is  from 40+to may 30+ or even younger. A study conducted  shows the incidence of hypertension, obesity, heart disease is increasing at an alarming rate, especially in the young, urban population. According to doctors say, a sedentary lifestyle combined with an increase in the consumption to  fast food and alcohol is to blame cases of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension etc.

                                    Life Style as a causative factor
       Heart Risk
§  India No.1 in cardiac patients:  10% population affected, US/EUROPE No. 2:7%  each;  China: 4%.
§  Heart Diseases to be single greatest ‘killer’ in India by 2015 (WHO).
§  50 million people in India suffer from heart problem. Number expected to double by 2010.
§  Highest growth among young executives: 1 of 8 is under 40 years.
§  Heart attacks among executives at 10 years ahead of global average age:  Prevention needs to start in early 20s.
§  Prevalence of CAD up from 17.5% to 35% among cooperate executives in past decade: two-fold rise.
§  Heart attacks kill one in every 10 Indians.

        Obesity / Diabetes

§  31 percent of urban Indians are either overweight or obese.
§  Obesity can, in fact, triple the risk of heart risk of heart disease.
§  India has one of the highest no of diabetic patients in the world, as many as 30 million.
§  Same scenario world wide.

        Stress/ Hyper tension/Lipids

§  Hypertension & Stress, especially from work, account for more than 50% of heart ailments.
§  100 million people in India have blood pressure
§  Two out of three employees in India are victim of stress
§  Over 40% of urban Indians have high lipid levels(cholesterol and triglycerides) that are the major risk factors for heart disease

 Changing lifestyle is mainly responsible for an increase in the number of people suffering from hypertension, stress, and other heart ailments. We have no time  for entertainment, social life, exercise and regular eating and sleeping patterns.  Time is being converted into money and personal priorities take back seats as corporate interests and personal ambitions take centre stage. Only when your body starts showing signs of fatigue and inability, we look at our daily routine tine and think how the same impact our personal lives. These are mainly caused due to reduced physical activity and consumption of fast food and alcohol. Since factors like heredity, sex, age cannot be avoided,  one must manage one’s lifestyle to avoid being at risk of different lifestyle dominated diseases.
Lifestyle Medicine
People suffering from different ailments or those who stays in the risk zone, should have periodic health checkups for early detection of risk factors and disease. Regular health- checks coupled with lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventions, early detection and cure of diseases. Preventive health care involves health promotion, which is aimed at modifying the individual’s social circumstance and lifestyle, which can be also termed as Lifestyle Medicine.
Lifestyle Medicine is nothing but the use of lifestyle interventions in the treatment and management of lifestyle diseases. Such interventions include diet rectification (good nutrition), exercise, stress management, smoking cessation, and variety of other non drug modalities.
The emphasis of lifestyle medicine is on:
§  Assessing Lifestyle
§  Evaluating  the risk factors
§  Evaluating laboratory reports
§  Discussing the opportunities for interventions
§  Prescribing an optimal lifestyle

The healthy lifestyle habits that each member of the society should be practice are:
·         A strict No to – Smoking
                        _   Alcohol
                         _    Illegal Drugs
-          Hypertension
-          Stress
·         Eat Low Fat, Low salt, High Fiber Diet, FRESH GREEN VEGETABLES, FRESH FRUIT, NUTS, CURD, YOGURT.
·         Do physical Activity etc

Ayurvedic Treatment – Shirodhara
        Ayurvedic Detox Therapy
        Yoga & Meditation


Monday, 2 May 2016



Speed Up Your Metabolism, Remove Toxins from Body And Lose Weight?
Simple and Effective Recipe for Wonderful Results in 1 week.

We All consume heavy unhealthy foods all through the year, rich in fats and Calories, that harmfully affect our body by depositing toxins, cause impaired immunity, poor health and obesity.
Fortunately many herbal remedies available in Ayurveda and naturopathy will restore our youthfulness and good health, increase energy levels and improve immunity.
This amazing organic detox drink will remove toxins, speed up the metabolism and promote a healthy process of losing weight naturally.
§  3 tablespoons fresh chopped ginger
§  1 tablespoon lemon juice
§  3-4 celery stalks
§  1 tablespoon fenugreek powder (Methi)
§  1 tablespoon Black pepper powder
§  1 tablespoon Cinnamon powder

§  Method of preparation:
§  Boil the above ingredients in about 200ml of water for 5 minutes in covered pan. Add more water to make it about a liter. We can store larger amounts of this natural juice in refrigerator.
§  Use:
§  Drink 1 glass of this Detox juice morning, afternoon and evening between meals for wonderful results within a week !

For more information please visit- www.mansaayurveda.com