Thursday, 31 March 2016

Best Home Remedies for numbness by Mansa Ayurveda


The problem of numbness in hands and feet is very common and it occurs when there is a reduce in the blood circulation to that area due to which that body part becomes numb for some time. There are other factors as well that can cause the problem of numbness in hands and feet and these factors are inactive life style. Smoking, thyroid problems, diabetes, nervous compression, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to cold, migraine attacks, alcohol, no work out and exercise etc.

The common symptom of the problem is numb hand and feet followed by tingling sensation which can make you feel weak. A few occurrences of numbness is quite common but if the problem is occurring frequently then it could be a warning sign of health problems affecting the blood vessels. You can however improve the situation easily by using the following home remedies regularly.

Here Are Effective Home Remedies For Numbness Of Hands And Feet:
Warm Compress
Exposure to cold atmospheres for longer times results into causing the numbness of hands and feet and therefore a very practical way to treat this problem is to use a hot compress. Apply a hot compress directly on the affected body part to improve the blood flow ad to get rid of the symptoms effectively.

Mustard Oil
Mustard oil is very effective in treating the problem of poor blood circulation. Not only this, it effective reduces the tingling sensation and increases the health of muscles as well. Therefore warm some mustard oil and massage it over the affected body parts every day to prevent the problem.

Coconut Oil
Massage with coconut oil is also a very great and effective home remedy for treating the problem of numbness of hands and feet. Coconut oil increases the muscle health and provides useful nutrients to the body to prevent further occurrence. Therefore follow this remedy to get relief.

Epsom Salt
By using Epsom salt you can improve the circulation of you entire body and then the problem of numbness can be treated easily. Not only this, Epsom salt also provides you relief from the pain in the muscles and helps in treating the weakness very effectively. Therefore it is advisable to soak the body in bathing water containing Epsom salt to get relief.

Turmeric Powder
Make a paste of turmeric powder and apply it over the numb areas of your body. Turmeric will help in treating all kinds of injuries and will strengthen your muscles to provide relief. Not only this, turmeric is also a very great remedy to improve the blood flow in the blood vessels. You can also ingest turmeric by adding it your daily routine.

You can also use cinnamon powder to improve the health and flow of blood in the body. This product reduces the inflammation on the blood vessels which in turn reduces the problem of numbness in hands and feet. Not only this, cinnamon powder is also very useful in treating inflammation and pain in the body. Drink cinnamon tea daily to add its benefits to your life.

Avocados are rich in several minerals including magnesium which is required to improve the blood flow in the body and the deficiency of this mineral is often associated with the problem of numbness. Therefore consume avocados on a regular basis to treat the deficiencies and to get rid of the problem completely.

Soy Beans
Soy bean is a very useful product for your body. The content soy bean helps in increasing the bone and muscle health and also prevents the occurrence of numbness in the body. Consumption of soy bean on regular basis is therefore recommended to get relief.

Nuts are rich in useful nutrients and omega 3 acids, all these are required for maintaining the health of the blood vessels. Regular consumption of nuts like almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts etc is highly recommended to get relief.

Milk And Eggs
Milk and eggs are very useful for making the body strong and improve the health of blood vessels as well. Daily and regular consumption of these products can prevent the occurrence of numb hands and feet completely.

Reduce in the water level of the body can also result into tingling sensations and numbness of body parts. Therefore it is very important to keep the body hydrated to prevent these problem and to get relief from weakness as well.

Olive Oil
Olive oil provides useful nutrients to your body and improves the internal health of the body muscles. Therefore use of olive oil for cooling food is recommended. Not only this, you can also massage the affected numb areas of the body with a mixture of olive oil and lavender oil to get relief from the symptoms effectively.

 For more info please visit -

Ayurvedic treatment For Heart Diseases & High Blood Pressure

Ayurvedic treatment For Heart Diseases & High Blood Pressure

Heart diseases & Hypertension is a number one killer in almost all parts of world. It is more of a lifestyle diseases which is caused by sedentary lifestyle, overweight, type A personalities , Lack of exercise , stress, Unhealthy eating habits.
·        Slow/very fast heart rate
·        Breathlessness
·        Arrhythmia (very fast & irregular heart beat)
·        Palpitations
·   Chest pain (angina) Radiating to back, Shoulder,  Jaw, Throat region Arms (specially left upper arm)
·        Numbness
·        Lethargy /General weakness
·        Indigestion
·        Sweating
·        Nausea
·        Vomiting  or Dizziness
·        Discomfort & Heaviness in the Chest ,Arm region, Blood pressure values more than 140 mmhg systolic & /or more than 90 mmhg diastolic.
·        Lifestyle changes
·        Low salt diet
·      Staying physically active, regular walk, swimming , cardio exercises
·        Yoga & meditation
·        Panchkarma & DETOX
Herbal remedies & Ayurvedic treatment of heart diseases & hypertension lays great emphasis on eating habits of the individual.
1. Guava fruit: This Fruit is very beneficial for heart. It also cures constipation.
2. pomegranate (anar) Give fresh pomegranate to the patient every morning and evening. Very useful for maintaining the heart beat.
5.Beat root
Arjun bark- In case of heart weakness and in swelling of heart muscle,Boil  arjun bark in water & give this syrup to the patient for 6-8 weeks. it prevents water of blood lymph from getting into the blood vessels and thus prevents swelling.cures the cardiac muscle fatigue and weakness of heart. After heart attack give 50 ml of arjun decoction every morning and evening. It is an effective heart or cardiac tonic. Arjuna is beneficial in high blood pressure. In case of swelling of heart due to high blood pressure, this medicine cures even this swelling.
Long pepper root and Green Cardamom. It cures constipation and heart disorders.
Long pepper powder taken every morning with honey, lowers & cures heart diseases.

Cumin is a very good ingredient , popularly part of Indian curries. Increases metabolism. Good for cardiac health.  
For more info please visit-

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Goodhealth@Easy Home Remedies by Mansa Ayurveda

    ·       Common name- Ginger  
    ·       Latin name- Zingier officinale

    ·       Useful parts- stem


·       Ginger can be used fresh, ,chopped, powdered or as on oil or juice

·       Consuming 5-10  gm of ginger 2 times a day before meals increases appetite(very popular as green salad toppings)

·       Juice of 10 ml of ginger along with honey cures cold, cough and respiratory disorders.

·       Taking  ginger juice relieves the earache & Toothache.

·       Taking 1-2 tsp of ginger juice along with 3-4 cloves of garlic early morning cures the diabetic obese & Heart diseases.

·       Adding ginger in daily food increases immunity and prevents recurrent infections.

·       Ginger increases the rate of metabolism and hence helps in maintaining balanced weight.  

For more info please visit-

Saturday, 26 March 2016


Tuberculosis of the gastro intestinal tract and abdominal cavity that also  effects the other organs like Spleen, Pancreas, Liver , Peritoneum, Omentum and lymph nodes adjacent to these organs.
·        Occurs by ingestion of tuberculosis germ by drink unpasteurized milk of a cow infected with tuberculosis bacillus
·        Spreads of the TB bacillus from the lungs to the intestines by blood stream.
·        Fever
·        Anorexia
·        Fatigue
·        Weight loss
·        Constipation
·        Diarrhea
·        Colicky pain in abdomen
·        Abdominal swelling and tenderness
·        Night sweats

·        Mauntex test
·        Liver function test
·        ESR
·        Serum albumin levels
·        X-ray/ USG / CT scan / Abdomen Endoscopy
·        Colonoscopy
·        Laparoscopy
·        Fine needle aspiration cytology
·        Peritoneal biopsy
·        Ascetic fluid assessment


Ayurvedic treatment for TB is done in  two parts. First - The digestive system  is made strong & healthy. Second- The treatment to cure TB.

Chyavana prasha and Drakshasava are given to the patient for increasing digestion

These two are very effective Ayurvedic medications for strengthening   the digestive system. Also, Chyavana prasha is very helpful for treating tuberculosis
Dosage: Two teaspoonful with a cup of warm milk twice daily.


Dosage: 30 ml of Drakshasava mixed with an equal quantity of water should be given to the patient.

Pippali, Vasa, Lasuna and Naradiya mahalakshmi vilasa are the ayurvedic drugs used for TB.

·       Amla(Emblica officianalis)
·       Haritaki(Terminalia chebula)
·         Beheda(Terminalia bellerica)

Dosage : One teaspoonful of Pipali should be mixed with an equal quantity of honey and should be given to the patient thrice daily.


Dosage : The medicated concoction mixed with milk should be given to the patient twice every day.


Gold and pearls are the main ingredients of Svarna Vasanta Malati.
Svarna vasanta malati is recommended for patients who suffer from tuberculosis along with a burning sensation, sweating in the palms and the soles along with night sweating and fever

Naradiya mahalakshmi vilasa includes gold as one of its primary ingredients. Patients suffering from cold and chronic bronchitis are recommended this.
Dosage : The patient should be given 0.200 gram of Naradiya mahalakshmi vilasa mixed with honey thrice daily.


The patient is given juice of the Vasa leaves. This controls the burning sensation in soles and palms, and also checks cough.
Dosage : The juice should be mixed with a teaspoonful of honey. 30 ml of this juice is given to tha patient  four times daily.


·        Panchkarma therapies like shirodhara ,abhyangam, snehasamvedan helps the patient in gain strength ,improve immunity and recover faster.
·        Virechnam
·        Always eat healthy nutritious food.
·        Maintain proper hygiene.
·        Use hander kerchief while sneezing and coughing.
·        Include all fruits and vegetables in diet.
·        Regular exercise is very important for well being.
·        Stay healthy by doing seasonal panchkarma therapies advised by Ayurveda acharayas
·        Avoid junk and fast foods
·        Never neglect symptoms like chronic cough, diarrhea, constipation, recurrent fever, stomach pain, loss of appetite for long period
·        Avoid excessive physical as well as mental stress.

for more info please visit -

Tuesday, 22 March 2016