Sunday, 13 March 2016

Weight loss

We are all worried about our weight and have been unhappy with it at sometime or another.
Want to lose weight...easy & quick? Well yes you can!
Losing weight is a good thing,doing so quick and easy is better. This is important to have a clear idea of your body type. You need to set a weight loss goal that is achievable,scalable.
Many people who want to lose weight, take wrong way. Making unhealthy choices as shortcuts for having perfect figure.Only to lose something else other than weight ,sacrificing health and well-being only to realize in the end that it is not worth it.
Everyone has the DIFFIRENT body type.It is important for you to know your body type before you start. There are three main types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic.Let us take a look at each one before finding out how you can lose weight quickly.
1.Ectomorphic Body Type:
Have very  little fat and muscle and have bone structure that is more delicate than others. people with endomorphic are naturally skinny.
2.Mesomorphic Body Type:
People with this body type bulid muscles naturaly. They also gain fat faster. However, their advantage is that they are able to lose the fat they gain quite easily.
3.Endomorphic Body Type:
 Endomorphs have a body type that is quite complicated.They have to work hard to control the fatgain.It is a struggle for them to lose weight.
While trying to get skinny fast,keep these point in mind:   
The level of difficulty or ease with which you can get skinny depends on your body type, whether you have an ectomorphic,mesomorphic or endomorphic body .
  You need to be realistic while setting goals.Health should always come first as it trumps being skinny any day.Gaining and maintaining a healthy weight and improving your overall health should be your primary goal. Make sure that all your plans to lose weight are consistent with this principle and you will do great!
WAYS TO lose weight FAST & easy:
 You need to eat healthy and get regular phyiscal exercise.Apart from this,you also need to understand how to make use of diet and exercise effectively to make sure that you lose weight in a healthy way.
 1.Consume Food At A Slow Rate:
 Make sure that you chew your food well is important before you swallow it.
2.Determine Your Ideal Weight:
 Before you make a weight loss plan,determine what your ideal weight should be.Online calculators are avilable to help.knowing ideal body weight allows you to create a best plan with healthy goals.
 3.Work On Your Abs:
 Did you know that you can work on your abdominal muscles even while you are sitting?The muscle that plays a role in how flat your abs look is the transversus abdominal.working on this muscles whenever you can will give you a flat and trim abdominal area.
 4.Create A Healthy Grocery List:
 list should only contain the most nutritious foods.Eating healthy is an important part of getting skinny so this is a great tip to always remember.
5. Avoid Skipping Meals:
A lot of people take the unhealthy route to and skip meals. This is one of the worst mistakes that you could ever make as it dose more harm than good. It may help you lose weight quickly but before you know it, you will gain it, and a whole lot more, back.
6. Lose weight,gain freind:
Trying to get skinny fast is not an easy endeavor. Having a support system that is reliable plays a huge role as it pushes you to keep going when things get tough. when you have someone who has the same goals as you, you can help & motivate each other.
7.Loose About 2 Pounds Weekly:
Your goal should be to lose 1 to 2 pounds every week. If very overweight, initial weight loss effort can be higher goal that helps in yielding results .Never overdo if u want to lose weight.
8. Choose healthy drinks
take more of water,fresh fruit juice green tea.
9.Say no to sodas & sweet drinks
10.Make a detailed plan.
planing in my new detail is very important for weight loss.Daily routine,eating habbits,body type, your working conditions have to be taken into consideration for a great weight loss plan.
11.Wait before you eat
have a glass of water,do some strech exercise or have a look at the newspaper or book or make a call to a friend.
12.Never take stress
main cause of obesity stress.keep yourself busy in happiness activities.
13.Choose low calorie food
take more of salad ,fresh fruits,whole grains,sprouds
14.Make healthier choices
keep moving.Learn to cook a dish or will understand food better and also will reduce consumption of packed food.
15.Eat smaller meals not more than 1500 calories per day divided into 3 -4 parts every 3-4 hours and manage to walk or some physical activity at least twice a day. This will help you lose weight faster

 Doctor says best way to loose weight fast is to have great weight loss plan complete with list of food, activities & motivational things.

For more information please visit-