Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Goodhealth@Easy Home Remedies by Mansa Ayurveda

    ·       Common name- Ginger  
    ·       Latin name- Zingier officinale

    ·       Useful parts- stem


·       Ginger can be used fresh, ,chopped, powdered or as on oil or juice

·       Consuming 5-10  gm of ginger 2 times a day before meals increases appetite(very popular as green salad toppings)

·       Juice of 10 ml of ginger along with honey cures cold, cough and respiratory disorders.

·       Taking  ginger juice relieves the earache & Toothache.

·       Taking 1-2 tsp of ginger juice along with 3-4 cloves of garlic early morning cures the diabetic obese & Heart diseases.

·       Adding ginger in daily food increases immunity and prevents recurrent infections.

·       Ginger increases the rate of metabolism and hence helps in maintaining balanced weight.  

For more info please visit-


  1. Very useful and informative content on ayurvedic medicinal herbs for detox and antiageing and youthfulness.

  2. Thanks doctor.please keep guiding and encouraging.
